July 21st, 2012
In my spine I imagine a brontosaurus tail
Ancient, petrified and rigid
Bone segments hovering in space
Arcing into endpoints
In my spine I remember the future fears
Of inheriting his
Shrinking him by inches at age 18
Forever capping growth
And disintegrating cartilage connectors
Potential fused into a handicap sticker
Dangling from the dashboard
In my spine I seek aliveness
Sensation beyond a structure
That keeps me standing
Beyond a beam that bolsters my gait
In my spine I unlock fluids of vitality
Twisting, wringing out toxins
Arms and legs splayed and extended,
I reach past length
And find immaterial
In my spine I envision a trail
My heart walks
From hip holding sacred sensuality
To crown of synaptic power
Massaging in awareness and compassion
With each kiss
Conjuring fertile soil