Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Spine

July 21st, 2012

In my spine I imagine a brontosaurus tail
Ancient, petrified and rigid
Bone segments hovering in space
Arcing into endpoints

In my spine I remember the future fears
Of inheriting his
Shrinking him by inches at age 18
Forever capping growth
And disintegrating cartilage connectors
Potential fused into a handicap sticker
Dangling from the dashboard

In my spine I seek aliveness
Sensation beyond a structure
That keeps me standing
Beyond a beam that bolsters my gait

In my spine I unlock fluids of vitality
Twisting, wringing out toxins
Arms and legs splayed and extended,
I reach past length
And find immaterial

In my spine I envision a trail
My heart walks
From hip holding sacred sensuality
To crown of synaptic power
Massaging in awareness and compassion
With each kiss
Conjuring fertile soil

This sitting, a portal

*First week of Ramadan 2012*

I take my pastel musalla[1]
Match the edge to yours
Flower arches lifting off into
Three-dimensional domes

This sitting is a portal
Feet settled is magic
Next to you is divine remembrance

Tuck orni under chin
Make sure it’s secure
You help me without condescension
As you always do

This sitting is a portal
Feet settled is magic
Next to you is divine remembrance

These days you use a chair
12 hour shifts serving others
sucked out calcium from bones
Both of our hands blossomed with knowledge
Here is our niyat[2]

This sitting is a portal
Feet settled is magic
Next to you is divine remembrance

I look over at the musalla cover
Nani had sewn for me
And I never use
Pearl-beaded, gaudy pink
Crumpled at the bottom of vain dispossession
Later in Bombay I’d hear of her agile, crafting hands
Giving, giving, just like you

This sitting is a portal
Feet settled is magic
Next to you is divine remembrance

I take my time
Wanting to pronounce with my new
Arabic prowess
We meet at the tahiyyat[3]
Turning heads at ancestors
Ghost limbs growing nerves
In an instant

This sitting is a portal
Feet settled is magic
Next to you is divine remembrance

[1] Prayer mat
[2] intention
[3] direct translation: greeting; last prayer of namaaz or salaat